Relative rates of house price inflation have evened out across the country 房价相对上涨率已经在全国达到平衡。
The misery index – the sum of the unemployment and consumer price inflation rates – hit a 28-year high last month, notes Paul dales of capital economics. 宏观经济咨询机构CapitalEconomics的保罗•戴尔斯指出,美国痛苦指数即失业率和消费者价格指数通胀率之和上个月创下了28年以来的高点。
You might assume consumer price inflation has been higher in the latter period. 你或许会以为后一个时期的消费者价格指数(CPI)涨幅可能较高。
British and American policymakers appear to regard the recent period of house price inflation in their countries with equanimity. 英美政策制定者似乎平静地看待其国内房价近期出现的上涨。
Consumer price inflation is not the key concern for policy makers for now. 如今,政策制定者们主要担心的不是物价上涨。
Soaring wage and price inflation would restore the uncompetitive status quo. 飙涨的薪资和高企的物价将使今天缺乏竞争力的一幕重新上演。
The trigger for the collapse was the bursting of the credit bubble that funded the leverage, the asset price inflation and the global consumption boom. 崩溃是由信贷泡沫破裂触发的,信贷泡沫促成了杠杆现象、资产价格通胀和全球消费繁荣。
Rapid productivity growth holds down product prices but asset price inflation is rampant. 生产率的迅速增长压低了产品价格,但资产价格却在迅猛上涨。
But let me also go on to say this, that years of inflation close to double digits, and negative interest rates, inevitably have brought about asset price inflation. 但我想继续指出,多年来接近双位的通胀数字和负利率,导致资产价格上升,无可避免。
China is expected to buck global trends and announce today a substantial drop in monthly consumer price inflation. 预计中国今天将宣布月度消费者价格指数(cpi)大幅下降,这与全球趋势不同。
Consume spending subtracted for price inflation last year. 由于物价飞涨,去年消费额减少了。
That's the argument against the widespread view today that monetary policymakers should take asset price inflation as well as monetary inflation into account when setting interest rates. 那就是与当今流行的观点相反的论点。如今的普遍观点是,货币政策制定者在制定利率时,应该考虑资产价格通货膨胀和货币通货膨胀。
Agricultural and food price indices adumbrate a slight deceleration in consumer price inflation; 农产品和粮食价格指数预示消费者价格通胀增速略有放缓;
Asset price inflation: steep increase in equity and property prices. 资产价格膨胀:股本和资产价格高速增长。
Asset price inflation is seen as a minor worry, affecting only the better-off. 资产价格上涨被视为一个次要问题,只会影响富裕阶层。
Even Thailand threw some nasty consumer price inflation, or rather deflation, into the mix. 泰国也抛出了难看的消费价格通胀数据,准确地说是通缩。
Dollar weakness over the past year had "contributed to the unwelcome rise in import prices and consumer price inflation". 过去一年美元的疲软,已“造成进口价格和消费者物价不受欢迎的持续上涨”。
The primary driver behind this decline is consumer price inflation, particularly food. 下降的主要驱动是消费价格的增长,特别是食物。
In the year to July 2014, consumer price inflation in the eurozone was 0.4 per cent. 在截止2014年7月的一年里,欧元区消费者价格指数上涨0.4%。
Meanwhile, UK consumer price inflation came in above expectations, albeit at the lowest level in eight months. 与此同时,英国的消费者价格指数虽然处于8个月来的最低水平,但依然高于预期。
His caution comes amid wide concerns about food price inflation in emerging economies from China and India to Mexico. 在他作出上述警告之际,市场普遍对从中国、印度到墨西哥等新兴市场的食品价格通胀感到忧虑。
In fact though, food price inflation has probably already peaked. 不过,事实上,食品价格通胀或许已经见顶。
The world bank said many developing countries were imperilled by soaring consumer price inflation. 世界银行表示,许多发展中国家遭遇不断高涨的消费品价格通胀。
The core driver behind the decline is expected to be a fall in energy price inflation. 衰退背后的核心驱动力预示着能源价格通货膨胀的下降。
The return of clothing price inflation in China is increasing costs just as the consumer is reining back spending. 在消费者紧缩开支之际,中国服装价格重现通胀,正在推高成本。
But headline consumer price inflation, politically sensitive in China, will not allow it. 但是,在中国具有政治敏感性的整体消费价格指数(CPI)不容许这么做。
But such actions have resulted in price inflation. 但是,这种行为导致了通货膨胀。
Inflation is further pummelling earnings: producer price inflation rose by 10 per cent in the year to July. 通货膨胀进一步影响企业收益:截止7月的1年间,中国的生产者价格指数(PPI)上升了10%。